Thursday, December 27, 2007

What's wrong with CMONOC 2000 321 data?

The gamit had run the session of 2000-321 for nearly half day, and it hasn't gotten a solution. What's wrong?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

NOT standard rinex of Beijing CGPS data?

> sh_rnx2crx -f daxn0010.05o
ERROR at line 25: invalid format for clock offset.
start >0.000326058< end
Error creating Hatanaka compact rinex for file: daxn0010.05o

Monday, December 24, 2007

New features of IDL v7.0

(1).Auto indention of codes;
(2).Same GUI in Windows, Linux/Unix and MacOS X;
(3).Files tab;
(4).Procedures/functions list;
(5).Collapse and expand subsets of codes;

(1).Style of projects management;
(2).Shortcuts for debugging, compiling and running programs;
(3).It starts slowly;
(4).Online help--no index now; F1 opens Dynamic Help; (No keyword help?)
(5).Drag and place cannot work;

Happy Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve now, may happiness be with everyone in the world!
Thank you.

Tian from Beijing China

TBE IDL V7.0 license file released.

I cannot find when did this file come out. There is no trace of it in TLF's database until now. Try IDL v7.0; there are a lot of different things to learn. I wish I could be familiar with the new style soon. :)

Puzzled by project management of IDL 7.0

I feels very uncomfortable with the new management style of IDL 7.0 projects. What does the IDLWorkspace do? I do not want such a extra thing. The way of oldish style of managning project is a simple and effective. I hate the new style! Damn it. :<

Nannan's New Clothes Arrived

The clothes prepared by Nannan's grandmother has arrived Beijing today. I just took it home. It's a little heavy (+4kg). I can't wait to open it and have a look. But Nannan's mother told me to wait for her to open it together in the evening. Haha...

How IDL cannot handle logical AND operation?

if n_elements(ispressed) ne 0 and ispressed eq 1 then begin

If the variable ispressed is not defined, then the program will stop and give a error message,
% Variable is undefined: ISPRESSED.
% Execution halted at: ... ...

But, in my memory, if the left part of AND is false, the right part will not be evaluated. Does IDL behave differently?

What's wrong with Firefox in RHEL5?

Firefox takes up near 500 MB memory once started up. The size of its memory usage keeps increasing continuously when open web links. What's that problem?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cygwin xterm can use Xmanager X11 resource?

I started XManager first, and then xterm of Cygwin. Then the xterm looks like the style of XManager.

It is strange, aha..?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

RHEL5 is not free!

The free version of RHEL5 cannot update softwares. yum was forbidden if the system is not activated. Ha... It's a pity. Should I install CentOS at the beginning?

CATS error in IA64 (Suse Linux)

weather cats_v3.1.2/analysis> cats vyas.neu
Get the options
analyze options
output system information
Data from file : vyas.neu
cats : running on weather
Linux release 2.6.5-7.191-sn2 (version #1 SMP Tue Jun 28 14:58:56 UTC 2005) on ia64
files ok
userid :

rdt 0.000100 .
count the number of series being used
Number of series to process : 3
Now presumably we are ready to go
Start Time : Tue Dec 18 15:52:55 2007

cats(3907): unaligned access to 0x60000fffffff972c, ip=0x400000000008c701
cats(3907): unaligned access to 0x60000fffffff972c, ip=0x400000000008c710
cats(3907): unaligned access to 0x60000fffffff972c, ip=0x400000000008c920
cats(3907): unaligned access to 0x60000fffffff972c, ip=0x400000000008cac0
Segmentation fault

System information:
weather cats_v3.1.2/analysis> uname -a
Linux weather 2.6.5-7.191-sn2 #1 SMP Tue Jun 28 14:58:56 UTC 2005 ia64 ia64 ia64 GNU/Linux
weather cats_v3.1.2/analysis>

What does this mean?

When I sent out a comment which is a link to site as a anonymous viewer, the 163 blog system gave me the error message. I don't know what does this mean. When I logged in, I could post any comments. Is there some restriction on anonymous reviewers?

Monday, December 17, 2007

How to set time & date for Linux system?

su to root, and use the date command:
# date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00"

GAMIT in Linux cannot still deal with gzip/gunzip?

There is no compress/uncompress comands in RHRL5. After linked gunzip to uncompress, gamit can decompose the .Z files correctly, but it cannot compress the output files in the final step of sh_gamit processing.

GAMIT error

FATAL :071217:2340:57.0 MAKEX/set_dcb_flag: PCN-code missing for receiver type
in rcvant.dat, cannot set C1/P2 correction flag

I found today that the error resulted from some types of antenna that has no PCN value in ~/gg/tables/rcvant.dat. CMONOC site WHJF uses the JPSREGANT_DD_E antenna. And there is no P/C/N settings in ~/gg/tables/rcvant.dat, i.e.
JPRDDE * JPSREGANT_DD_E | Dual -depth chokering antenna, external

After commented out site WHJF, the gamit ran without any error.

Where can I find AGU Fall Meeting CDs?

Does AGU release CD/DVDs for the fullpapers submitted to annual AGU Fall Meeting? If not, how could I get a copy of those fullpapers? I searched the NLC and LAS libraries, but found no volumes of those fall meetings. Also, are those presentations given by authors in the meeting open to public? Anywhere to download it from intenet?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New theme choosed.

I changed the theme of my blog today. A new look gives me a fresh feeling. :)

How to plot hourly data using GMT?

I got time series data of PWV. They are values for each hour. The data file looks like,

001 00 1.2
001 01 1.3
001 23 1.5
002 00 1.3

The resulting plot looks like,
| *
| -- * ---* --*-- *
| - * --*- *
|______________ *_____________
00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18
----001--- 002

Note: - in plot is blank.

How to do this in GMT?
I spent several hours working on this, but got no solution.

Who took up the book of "Global positioning system"?

It seems that someone are always borrow the book "Global positioning system: theory and applications" which edited by Bradford W. Parkinson et al. from the stack of NLC (National Library of China). I even have no chance to send a request through the online library system. The book was borrowed again just after it had been returned. Oh my god, who did this so fast. Could you please give somebody else a chance to have a look or make a copy of this book? (I know it maybe not legal to copy the book, but I need it and don't want to go to the library each month. Sorry.)

Global positioning system : theory and applications / edited by Bradford W. Parkinson, James J. Spilker, Jr. ; associate editors, Penina Axelrad, Per Enge. [monograph] .
Washington, DC : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 19.
v. 1, 2 : ill. ; 23 cm..

You can write, but you cannot view.

This is what I heard today, that is you can publish your writings from, but you and others may cannot view it from mainland China.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Why China blocked Google Blog?

While MSN Live Space is accessible within China?
Did do something wrong? But Google's other products are open to all Chinese. is not a company of Google? I thought Google bought it.

Then, why the hell China blocked