A leap second in 2008
Daniel Gambis
Observatoire de Paris
December 2008
On December 31, 2008 a "leap second" will be added to the world's clocks at
23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
In France, due to the +1 hour time offset with respect to the meridian origin,
the talking clock will announce the affected "fourth beep" at one
o'clock legal time.
The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, replacing GMT) is the reference time
scale derived from the Temps Atomique International (TAI) calculated by the
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) using a worldwide network of
atomic clocks. UTC differs from TAI by an integer number of seconds. It is the
basis of all activities in the world. UT1 is the time scale based on the
observation of the Earth's rotation. It is now derived mostly from the
observation of extragalactic radio-sources by Very Long Baseline
Interferometry techniques (VLBI).
The various irregular fluctuations progressively detected in the rotation rate
of the Earth lead in 1972 to the replacement of UT1 by UTC as the reference
time scale. However, it was desired by the scientific community to maintain
the difference UT1-UTC smaller than 0.9 second to ensure agreement between
the physical and astronomical time scales.
Why this extra second? It exists because the rotation of the Earth on its axis,
which determines the passing of days and nights, slows down over a long period,
mainly as a consequence of Moon-Sun attraction effects. In addition, the Earth
is affected by its internal (core, mantle) and external (atmosphere, oceans)
constituents. Nowadays, though, time is measured by procedures impervious to
our planet’s moods, thanks to around 250 atomic clocks belonging to several
countries. Together they are used to calculate UTC. In addition, we have to
consider that the length of the day is nowadays 2 ms longer than in the year 1820.
Not surprisingly then, the Earth's rotation slowly gets out of synchronization
with UTC.
In view of a 1972 international agreement stipulating that the difference
between the two should never exceed one second, it is necessary from time
to time to add intercalated or leap seconds to UTC. On 1st January 2009, the
difference will be 34 seconds. Since 1972, leap seconds have been added with a
rate interval varying from six months to seven years, with the last being
inserted on December 31, 2005.
Since the adoption of this system in 1972, partly due to the initial choice of
the value of the second and secondly to the general slowing down of the Earth's
rotation, it has been necessary to add 23 s to UTC.
The decision to introduce a leap second in UTC is the responsibility of the
Earth Orientation Center of the International Earth Rotation and reference
System Service (IERS).
This center is located at the Observatoire de Paris at SYRTE department.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A positive leap second will be introduced in UTC on 31 Decembre 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
NO life long mail account?
Yahoo: 4 months.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Convert SRTM30 to GMT .grd format.
Getting grdraster to work
I am referring to the GMT program called "grdraster". Basically, I wanted a global topography database with 30-sec resolution, so I downloaded all the GTOPO30 database DEM files, and wanted to piece them together and form one big NetCDF grd file, which is the gridding format GMT uses. Well, I had problems with seg faults, so here is what I found. First, you need to make sure that the filename in the grdraster.info file includes the full path. This critical file is located in the $GMTHOME/share/dbase directory as a default for GMT3.3.6. To save you time if you don't already have it, here is an example of what you need in your grdraster.info file:
8 "GTOPO30 E020N40" "m" -R20/60/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E020N40.DEM
9 "GTOPO30 E020N90" "m" -R20/60/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E020N90.DEM
10 "GTOPO30 E020S10" "m" -R20/60/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E020S10.DEM
11 "GTOPO30 E060N40" "m" -R60/100/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060N40.DEM
12 "GTOPO30 E060N90" "m" -R60/100/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060N90.DEM
13 "GTOPO30 E060S10" "m" -R60/100/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060S10.DEM
14 "GTOPO30 E060S60" "m" -R60/100/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060S60.DEM
15 "GTOPO30 E100N40" "m" -R100/140/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E100N40.DEM
16 "GTOPO30 E100N90" "m" -R100/140/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E100N90.DEM
17 "GTOPO30 E100S10" "m" -R100/140/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E100S10.DEM
18 "GTOPO30 E120S60" "m" -R120/160/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E120S60.DEM
19 "GTOPO30 E140N40" "m" -R140/180/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E140N40.DEM
20 "GTOPO30 E140N90" "m" -R140/180/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E140N90.DEM
22 "GTOPO30 E140S10" "m" -R140/180/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E140S10.DEM
23 "GTOPO30 W000S60" "m" -R0/60/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W000S60.DEM
24 "GTOPO30 W020N40" "m" -R-20/20/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W020N40.DEM
25 "GTOPO30 W020N90" "m" -R-20/20/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W020N90.DEM
26 "GTOPO30 W020S10" "m" -R-20/20/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W020S10.DEM
27 "GTOPO30 W060N40" "m" -R-60/-20/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W060N40.DEM
28 "GTOPO30 W060N90" "m" -R-60/-20/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W060N90.DEM
29 "GTOPO30 W060S10" "m" -R-60/-20/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W060S10.DEM
30 "GTOPO30 W060S60" "m" -R-60/-20/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W060S60.DEM
31 "GTOPO30 W100N40" "m" -R-100/-60/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W100N40.DEM
32 "GTOPO30 W100N90" "m" -R-100/-60/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W100N90.DEM
33 "GTOPO30 W100S10" "m" -R-100/-60/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W100S10.DEM
34 "GTOPO30 W120S60" "m" -R-120/-80/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W120S60.DEM
35 "GTOPO30 W140N40" "m" -R-140/-100/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W140N40.DEM
36 "GTOPO30 W140N90" "m" -R-140/-100/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W140N90.DEM
37 "GTOPO30 W140S10" "m" -R-140/-100/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W140S10.DEM
38 "GTOPO30 W180N40" "m" -R-180/-140/-10/40 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W180N40.DEM
39 "GTOPO30 W180N90" "m" -R-180/-140/40/90 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W180N90.DEM
40 "GTOPO30 W180S10" "m" -R-180/-140/-60/-10 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W180S10.DEM
41 "GTOPO30 W180S60" "m" -R-180/-140/-90/-60 -I0.5m P i 1 0 -9999 /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/W180S60.DEM
After that is in place, then you should be able to run the following:
> grdraster 11 -V -R60/100/-10/40 -I0.5m -Gtestoutput.grd
grdraster: Reading from raster /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060N40.DEM
grdraster: Finished reading from /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060N40.DEM
grdraster: min max and # NaN found: -32768 32539 0
Make sure you use the -V option to be verbose if you are having problems. Also make sure you don't forget the -G in front of the filename, and that there are no spaces between the "G" and the first letter of the filename.
To check that everything went fine, try grdinfo on your newly created grd file:
> grdinfo testoutput.grd
testoutput.grd: Title: GTOPO30 E060N40
testoutput.grd: Command: grdraster 4 -V -R60/100/-10/40 -I0.5m -Gtest.grd
testoutput.grd: Remark: /janeway/usr/local/GMT3.3.6/share/dbase/E060N40.DEM
testoutput.grd: Pixel node registration used
testoutput.grd: grdfile format # 0
testoutput.grd: x_min: 60 x_max: 100 x_inc: 0.00833333 units: Longitude in degrees nx: 4800
testoutput.grd: y_min: -10 y_max: 40 y_inc: 0.00833333 units: Latitude in degrees ny: 6000
testoutput.grd: z_min: -32768 z_max: 32539 units: m
testoutput.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
Additional Notes
If you are troubleshooting, here are some notes that may help:
Converting and pasting the DEM files to one GRD file
This will come in the near future. Sorry for the inconvenience.Thursday, December 04, 2008
Products of the 1st IGS Reprocessing Campaign
# Reprocessing campaign number: 1, 2, …
cc first two characters of the AC code
ig# for combined IGS products
wwww GPS week
d Day of week
typ File type: snx, ssc, sp3, clk, erp, sum
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
1.1.5 installer error after apache
$ bash
bash-3.2$ /var/Applications/Installer.app/Installer --launchedFromSB
2008-12-03 20:43:10.289 Installer[305:d03] ATInstaller: Initializing...
2008-12-03 20:43:10.298 Installer[305:d03] ATPackageManager: Initializing...
DataFile: file open error: /var/mobile/Library/Keyboard/zh_CN-dynamic-text.dat,
(Permission denied)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Less memory comsumption by est_noise6ac.
The below is the original variables declaration:
character*3 net,instname(30),netx
character*132 string,filename
character*8 bsta(82), line(82), header(9)
character*1 ans
integer instnum(30),insol(30),intot(30),infunc(30)
integer instart(30),instop(30)
real inparam(30,10)
character*7 choice(10),exp_choice(10),exp_type(10)
dimension ran1(65536),ran2(65536),ran3(65536),ran4(65536)
double precision t_start,t_stop,rat_chg1(82),per(82),off(82),
& dest(82),timex,t_year(8103),texp(10),tpress,dtime(8103),
& dtime_orig(8103),rat_chg2(82), dec_timed,fjul,fjul1,fjul2,
& t(8103),rat_chng_norm(82)
dimension az(82),rc(20),d(8103),A(8103,82)
dimension d_orig(8103),A_orig(8103,82),t_orig(8103)
dimension res(8103),covinv(8103,8103),covar(8103,8103),x(82),
& e(82),dith(7),xx(7),bexp(10)
dimension ambp(8,7),amby(8),acov(8,8),cov(8,8),wz(23)
dimension vsig(8),vamp1(8),vexp1(8),vamp_bp(8),valpha(8),vamp2(8),
& vexp2(8)
dimension covarpl1(8103,8103),covarpl2(8103,8103),
& covarbp(8103,8103)
dimension press(8103),aux_norm(82)
Note that, the default size for most arrays is 8103. This threshold has exceeded the observation length of most CGPS site around the globe. For example, the site WUHN (1996.0697 - 2008.8374), a value of 5000 is suffice. Thus, we can modify the source to as follows:
integer*4 maxn
c parameter(maxn=3999)
character*3 net,instname(30),netx
character*132 string,filename
character*8 bsta(82), line(82), header(9)
character*1 ans
integer instnum(30),insol(30),intot(30),infunc(30)
integer instart(30),instop(30)
real inparam(30,10)
character*7 choice(10),exp_choice(10),exp_type(10)
dimension ran1(65536),ran2(65536),ran3(65536),ran4(65536)
double precision t_start,t_stop,rat_chg1(82),per(82),off(82),
& dest(82),timex,t_year(maxn),texp(10),tpress,dtime(maxn),
& dtime_orig(maxn),rat_chg2(82), dec_timed,fjul,fjul1,fjul2,
& t(maxn),rat_chng_norm(82)
dimension az(82),rc(20),d(maxn),A(maxn,82)
dimension d_orig(maxn),A_orig(maxn,82),t_orig(maxn)
dimension res(maxn),covinv(maxn,maxn),covar(maxn,maxn),x(82),
& e(82),dith(7),xx(7),bexp(10)
dimension ambp(8,7),amby(8),acov(8,8),cov(8,8),wz(23)
dimension vsig(8),vamp1(8),vexp1(8),vamp_bp(8),valpha(8),vamp2(8),
& vexp2(8)
dimension covarpl1(maxn,maxn),covarpl2(maxn,maxn),
& covarbp(maxn,maxn)
dimension press(maxn),aux_norm(82)
This will reduce the memory required to run est_noise from 1.8GB to about 632MB.
Warning: if you want to process sites with a long history, say from 1992 to present, you may need to set the threshold (maxn) larger.
Compile est_noise6ac in Sun Soalris with f90
Sun Studio with Performance Libarary
Sun Solaris X86 10
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sample output of Langbein's est_noise program.
of data. PSD functions can be a combination of:
1) white noise
2) Simple power law noise P/f^n
3) a Gauss Markov version P/(fa^n + f^2)
where fa=alpha/2*pi
4) A second power law
5) Band-pass filtered noise
While estimating the PSD function, program also estimates
various parameters that describe the time series including
1) DC term
2) rate
3) sinusoidal amplitudes of specified frequencies
4) rate changes
5) offset
Program can handle data in various formats including
2-color EDM data
Input the data type for automatic processing
most users can will use otr otd or otx
otr=data, such as inferred monument displacements
format of yr, julian day, data, error bar
otd=data, such as inferred monument displacements
format of yrmoda, data, error bar
otx=data, such as inferred monument displacements
format of yr mo da, data, error bar
input number of time series
program will estimate only one set of PSD functions
input the period of interest
start and stop times; year julian_day year julian_day
"julian day" may be decimal day
Day numbers from 1960 13175.0000000000 17839.0000000000
Input the parameters of time series to be estimated
Will rate be estimated? y/n
Rate changes:
time is the "hinge point"
Input the number of rate changes in data
Input the number of periodicities in the data
Input the period (in days) of 1 period
Input the period (in days) of 2 period
Offset: specify first day after offset
Input the number of offsets
Input the time (year jul_day) or (year month day) of 1 offset
Offset at 15375.6161000000
Input the time (year jul_day) or (year month day) of 2 offset
Offset at 15656.9400000000
Input the number of exponentials in time series
The number of exponential time constants that are fixed: 0
rate renomalization is 6.384668
Input the format style of baseline data (otr, otx, otd, tmr, pkf)
Input name of file for baseline number 1
column of A matrix prior to input pressure data 8
Number of files of Auxillary data (pressure)
Number of data read is 4304
Number of model parameters is 8
Average Sampling interval: 1.083895 days
Standard deviation of Ave. interval: 0.8538907 days
Shortest Sampling interval: 1.000000 days
Longest Sampling Interval: 29.00000 days
Input the minimum sampling interval in days to use
Number of points in time series for analysis is 4665
Do you want to get rid of "redundent" data? y/n
Coupled with minimum sampling interval, this can decimate data.
Or, in the case of two baselines with measurements at same time,
it can screw-up design matrix AND make the covariance singular for some cases
After resampling data and getting rid of redundent data
Number of observations is 4304
time, data, and A matrix are in prob1(2).out
prob1.out has stuff after redundencies are removed
prob2.out has stuff in cronological order before redundancies removed
Do you want to substitute real data with random numbers? y/n
Estimate of white noise component of data is: 7.206384
methods to decimate data
0 = no decimation
1 = keep 2, skip 1, keep 2, skip 1
2 = keep 2, skip 1, keep 1, skip 2, keep 2, skip 1...
3 = keep 2, skip 1, keep 1, skip 2, keep 1, skip 3, keep 2 skip 1...
4 or more...make it option 3
input choice
Eigenvalues 1 127.200546298917 2
153.657986228781 3 1221.91656232437 4
2113.71630746652 5 2130.43663134457 6
2170.10470602075 7 2200.15505332048 8
Using 8 out of 8 eigenvalues
RMS fit using white noise model is 9.792912
Log MLE for white noise error model is -15923.37
Nomimal value for baseline 1 -28.64 +/- 0.04
Rate in units per year -0.1596 +/- 0.0095
Period of 365.250 days, cos amp= -3.49 +/- 0.02 sin amp= 3.26 +/- 0.02 magnitude= 4.78 +/- 0.02
Period of 182.625 days, cos amp= -0.44 +/- 0.02 sin amp= -0.40 +/- 0.02 magnitude= 0.59 +/- 0.02
Offset number 1 at 2002 34.616 is 40.23 +/- 0.07
Offset number 2 at 2002 315.940 is 6.90 +/- 0.07
sampling interval in yrs 2.737851E-03
Input the initial parameters of the PSD and whether the item is "fix" or "f
if "fix", then the item is not estimated
if "float", then the item is estimated
Input the white noise "instrument precision" and fix/float
Input the amplitude first Power law function and fix/float
Input the exponent 1 < n < 3 and fix/float
Input the time constant alpha in c/yr and fix/float
Input the parameters for band-passed filtered noise
Input low and high freq stop band in c/yr
low frequency stop band is 0.5000000 c/yr
high frequency stop band is 2.000000 c/yr
number of poles between 1 and 4
Input the amplitude and fix/float
Input the exponent of second Power Law function fix/float
Input the amplitude of second PL function fix/float
Sometimes, it may be necessary to add white noise to data so
that a better estimate of long period PSD parameters can be made.
This is especially true for data that is predominantly power noise
Enter value of white noise to be added (nominal it should be 0)
Calculating power law covariance for first set
Calculating power law covariance for second set
list of trial covariance parameters
white noise PL_1 amp PL_1 exp GM freq BP amp PL_2 amp PL_2 exp determinant chi^2 MLE cpu
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.193E+03 292980.438 -150638.297 72.680
0.7000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 -0.119E+04 531153.438 -268338.031 65.760
1.0000 1.9500 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.551E+03 228566.516 -118789.180 65.550
Initial solutions for Amoeba
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
268338.0 0.7000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
118789.2 1.000000 1.950000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
150638.3 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
1.3000 1.2714 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.132E+04 174504.484 -92522.672 65.520
1.6000 1.4071 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.218E+04 118746.250 -65507.523 65.440
1.1714 1.3878 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.935E+03 202482.875 -106131.211 65.520
1.2204 1.4985 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.113E+04 184345.734 -97253.906 65.590
1.2834 1.6410 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.136E+04 164415.156 -87523.047 65.570
1.3643 1.8241 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.164E+04 143224.766 -77212.164 65.400
1.4684 2.0596 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.199E+04 121519.352 -66700.039 65.410
1.6023 2.3623 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.239E+04 100181.875 -56433.719 65.510
1.9034 3.0435 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.318E+04 68773.023 -41518.789 65.630
1.8604 1.7247 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.284E+04 86536.969 -50066.039 65.500
1.8858 2.3833 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.301E+04 76452.273 -45192.828 65.400
2.0270 2.5253 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.332E+04 66499.344 -40520.672 65.510
2.4303 3.0386 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.410E+04 46203.660 -31155.395 65.520
2.2917 2.7822 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.383E+04 52479.074 -34027.707 65.560
2.4757 2.8727 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.415E+04 45642.617 -30923.447 65.500
3.0313 3.3970 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.501E+04 30785.910 -24353.248 65.520
2.8181 3.0194 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.468E+04 36126.281 -26693.301 65.440
3.0346 4.1325 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.509E+04 28761.488 -23430.217 65.430
3.7519 5.4952 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.605E+04 18316.992 -19159.568 65.450
3.3146 4.8922 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.552E+04 23400.576 -21172.289 65.440
3.6974 4.9505 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.594E+04 19491.828 -19637.287 65.400
4.1924 4.8351 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.641E+04 15947.724 -18340.754 65.420
5.3369 5.7309 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.742E+04 10066.285 -16412.479 65.450
4.6742 5.9389 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.692E+04 12421.931 -17086.725 65.450
5.1767 6.5111 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.736E+04 10162.461 -16391.967 65.400
6.5499 8.2473 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.837E+04 6345.566 -15496.672 65.450
5.8551 8.0240 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.793E+04 7708.284 -15735.510 65.890
6.4487 8.9684 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.835E+04 6320.756 -15464.832 65.400
8.1573 11.7540 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.938E+04 3898.782 -15284.209 65.370
7.5490 9.4338 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.898E+04 4789.413 -15326.256 65.400
8.2667 10.6565 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.938E+04 3951.573 -15312.186 65.420
9.5021 11.5864 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.996E+04 3048.049 -15435.300 65.390
9.9592 12.7562 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.102E+05 2728.618 -15499.472 65.380
10.6172 14.9715 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.105E+05 2319.967 -15617.645 65.410
11.4596 14.6633 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.108E+05 2061.600 -15769.482 65.460
7.2562 9.6839 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.884E+04 5066.731 -15325.032 65.530
5.7372 6.2051 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.774E+04 8691.115 -16038.730 65.430
9.3972 12.7799 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.996E+04 3000.721 -15414.119 65.510
6.2346 8.4272 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.819E+04 6832.184 -15560.886 65.510
9.0281 11.6739 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.976E+04 3309.592 -15371.841 65.550
10.3520 13.9151 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.104E+05 2483.092 -15566.000 65.460
7.5004 9.6643 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.896E+04 4800.946 -15318.011 65.430
6.8279 10.0268 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.862E+04 5525.248 -15342.189 65.450
6.1987 8.0467 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.815E+04 7010.972 -15606.014 65.460
8.5976 11.5966 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.957E+04 3595.442 -15324.635 65.480
6.4448 9.1306 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.836E+04 6285.427 -15454.269 65.460
8.3823 11.0381 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.945E+04 3814.846 -15313.561 65.430
9.0891 11.0667 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.976E+04 3332.963 -15385.887 65.420
7.3932 10.2868 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.894E+04 4808.054 -15297.027 65.460
8.3235 11.9034 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.946E+04 3755.213 -15295.147 65.370
8.9212 12.2875 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.974E+04 3314.293 -15353.544 65.540
7.6725 10.3348 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.908E+04 4516.957 -15294.742 65.410
7.3155 10.0142 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.888E+04 4939.837 -15309.153 65.460
8.3598 12.0465 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.949E+04 3712.112 -15296.443 65.510
Amoeba exceeding maximum iterations.
Best fitting solutions
MLE= -15284.21
white noise= 8.157310
Bandpass filter amplitude= 0.000000E+00
power law noise 1
amplitude= 11.75405
exponent= 1.000000
G-M freq= 0.000000E+00
power law noise 2
amplitude= 0.000000E+00
exponent= 2.000000
9.7888 11.7540 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.101E+05 2886.873 -15476.197 65.460
8.1573 22.9204 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.997E+04 2808.724 -15330.854 65.510
Initial solutions for Amoeba
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15476.20 9.788773 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15330.85 8.157310 22.92039 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
15284.21 8.157310 11.75405 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.000000
6.5258 14.9444 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.877E+04 4950.469 -15202.870 65.590
4.8944 16.5396 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.804E+04 6856.128 -15426.552 65.530
7.6912 1.4992 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.879E+04 6659.046 -16076.798 65.520
8.0408 17.5651 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.962E+04 3342.892 -15250.721 65.570
7.6579 14.3259 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.928E+04 3973.027 -15220.808 65.480
7.5152 15.0607 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.925E+04 3994.780 -15207.222 65.440
7.3317 16.0055 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.923E+04 4022.129 -15192.372 65.470
6.9189 18.1312 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.917E+04 4077.885 -15168.667 65.450
6.9779 17.8275 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.918E+04 4070.602 -15171.293 65.450
6.6409 19.5628 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.915E+04 4108.121 -15159.361 65.420
5.8827 23.4671 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.913E+04 4143.565 -15155.591 65.450
5.9911 22.9093 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.913E+04 4143.586 -15154.493 65.590
4.9079 28.4870 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.920E+04 4049.646 -15183.117 65.510
5.5220 18.6252 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.856E+04 5394.006 -15211.683 65.460
5.2946 23.0928 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.885E+04 4715.053 -15166.986 65.440
7.3655 20.0699 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.949E+04 3512.877 -15203.794 65.450
5.3296 25.0657 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.905E+04 4322.794 -15162.197 65.420
4.8975 21.4838 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.853E+04 5480.706 -15226.291 65.470
6.7485 20.4234 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.926E+04 3905.840 -15165.524 65.450
5.8008 28.1747 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.948E+04 3531.001 -15203.898 65.530
6.3446 18.2520 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.892E+04 4572.325 -15162.458 65.520
5.1678 25.4129 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.901E+04 4392.139 -15165.720 65.530
4.7265 27.1898 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4412.730 -15179.054 65.560
6.3708 20.3958 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.909E+04 4212.109 -15154.090 65.540
6.6583 21.4575 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.929E+04 3837.766 -15167.026 65.510
5.6355 22.6840 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.896E+04 4479.419 -15156.088 65.520
6.9187 18.3577 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.919E+04 4047.370 -15168.460 65.440
5.6055 23.6491 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4339.257 -15156.240 65.490
5.0114 24.2689 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.885E+04 4745.451 -15174.772 65.490
6.3143 21.3848 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.914E+04 4112.492 -15154.622 65.500
5.4067 27.3354 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.927E+04 3896.867 -15177.643 65.450
6.1101 20.5228 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.899E+04 4419.531 -15153.302 65.400
6.6447 19.2238 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.913E+04 4153.084 -15159.452 65.400
6.3159 20.6842 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.909E+04 4215.089 -15153.476 65.460
6.5717 19.7932 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.914E+04 4132.414 -15157.688 65.460
5.8471 22.6851 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.905E+04 4296.753 -15153.289 65.420
6.6022 20.7586 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.922E+04 3973.179 -15160.868 65.420
5.8772 22.2027 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4349.986 -15152.851 65.400
6.3534 19.6143 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4346.274 -15154.950 65.420
6.2357 20.5775 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.905E+04 4299.920 -15152.851 65.410
5.8994 21.4659 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.897E+04 4452.893 -15153.516 65.500
6.1965 19.5290 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.895E+04 4502.954 -15156.316 65.580
6.0424 22.0642 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.908E+04 4232.460 -15152.586 65.530
5.7229 22.5192 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.898E+04 4430.932 -15154.572 65.550
6.2088 20.9267 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.906E+04 4268.928 -15152.562 65.570
6.2826 21.2950 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.912E+04 4151.414 -15153.802 65.560
5.9952 21.4232 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.901E+04 4374.979 -15152.454 65.550
5.7745 22.2878 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.899E+04 4425.007 -15153.998 65.530
6.1806 21.0851 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.906E+04 4268.485 -15152.417 65.500
6.0005 22.6099 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.911E+04 4182.114 -15153.563 65.540
6.0827 21.0446 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4359.525 -15152.402 65.550
6.3308 19.9788 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.904E+04 4309.770 -15154.043 65.520
5.9680 22.0086 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.905E+04 4303.811 -15152.383 65.620
6.3267 20.4059 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.907E+04 4248.056 -15153.568 65.560
5.9896 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4326.403 -15152.272 65.540
Amoeba exceeding maximum iterations.
Best fitting solutions
MLE= -15152.27
white noise= 5.989558
Bandpass filter amplitude= 0.000000E+00
power law noise 1
amplitude= 21.75346
exponent= 1.000000
G-M freq= 0.000000E+00
power law noise 2
amplitude= 0.000000E+00
exponent= 2.000000
5.9896 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4326.403 -15152.272 65.600
Start the covariance calculations for noise model
best estimate 5.989558 dither 1.000000E-02
best estimate 21.75346 dither 1.000000E-02
best estimate 1.000000 dither 5.000000E-02
best estimate 0.000000E+00 dither 5.000000E-02
best estimate 0.000000E+00 dither 5.000000E-02
best estimate 0.000000E+00 dither 5.000000E-02
best estimate 2.000000 dither 0.1000000
5.9297 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.901E+04 4378.312 -15152.646 65.550
Dither changed to 6.000000E-03
5.9536 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4357.449 -15152.455 65.590
Dither changed to 3.600000E-03
5.9680 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4344.996 -15152.368 65.550
Dither changed to 2.160000E-03
5.9766 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4337.546 -15152.324 65.570
Dither changed to 1.296000E-03
5.9818 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4333.084 -15152.302 65.580
Dither changed to 7.776001E-04
5.9849 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4330.411 -15152.289 65.560
5.9942 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.904E+04 4322.401 -15152.258 65.490
5.9896 21.5359 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4361.599 -15152.377 65.610
Dither changed to 6.000000E-03
5.9896 21.6229 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.902E+04 4347.481 -15152.315 65.570
Dither changed to 3.600000E-03
5.9896 21.6751 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4339.036 -15152.291 65.550
5.9896 21.8318 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.904E+04 4313.813 -15152.276 65.570
5.9942 21.8318 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.904E+04 4309.832 -15152.267 65.570
5.9849 21.8318 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.904E+04 4317.799 -15152.288 65.590
5.9942 21.6751 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4335.014 -15152.271 65.590
5.9849 21.6751 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4343.063 -15152.313 65.550
Inverse covariance matrix
1 acov= 90.03841 14.05651 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 acov= 14.05651 3.662404 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
3 acov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
4 acov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
5 acov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
6 acov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
7 acov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
The eigenvalues 1.432470 92.26835
ier= 0
the covariance matrix
1 cov= 2.770945E-02 -0.1063504 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 cov= -0.1063504 0.6812234 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
3 cov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
4 cov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
5 cov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
6 cov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
7 cov= 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
Cross correlation matrix
1 cross correlation 1.000000 -0.7740703 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 cross correlation -0.7740703 1.000000 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
3 cross correlation 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
4 cross correlation 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
5 cross correlation 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
row number for optimal solution is 115
nmod= 8
-32.07200 0.000000E+00 9.846000 0.000000E+00 -3.540000
0.000000E+00 3.686000 0.000000E+00 -0.4670000 0.000000E+00
-0.3010000 0.000000E+00 26.66000 0.000000E+00 5.183000
Eigenvalues 1 3.74611910120969D-002 2
7.17193826658182D-002 3 0.127016565108053 4
0.251911574073773 5 1.57312529521336 6
1.62081302617026 7 3.01568244130233 8
Using 8 out of 8 eigenvalues
5.9896 21.7535 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 0.903E+04 4326.403 -15152.272 68.960
number of rows is 117
-32.07200 2.842000 9.846000 4.446000 -3.540000
0.8020000 3.686000 0.8040000 -0.4670000 0.5710000
-0.3010000 0.5790000 26.66000 3.511000 5.183000
Residual, decimated data in resid_dec.out
col 1 & 2, time; 3 is residual,4 is calculated, 5 is data
Residual, data in resid.out
col 1 & 2, time; 3 is residual,4 is calculated, 5 is data
Nomimal value for baseline 1 -32.07 +/- 2.84
Rate in units per year 1.5421 +/- 0.6964
Period of 365.250 days, cos amp= -3.54 +/- 0.80 sin amp= 3.69 +/- 0.80 magnitude= 5.11 +/- 0.80
Period of 182.625 days, cos amp= -0.47 +/- 0.57 sin amp= -0.30 +/- 0.58 magnitude= 0.56 +/- 0.57
Offset number 1 at 2002 34.616 is 26.66 +/- 3.51
Offset number 2 at 2002 315.940 is 5.18 +/- 3.50
Best fitting solutions
MLE= -15152.27
white noise= 5.989558 +/- 0.1664616
Bandpass filter amplitude= 0.000000E+00 +/- 0.000000E+00
power law noise 1
amplitude= 21.75346 +/- 0.8253626
exponent= 1.000000 +/- 0.000000E+00
G-M freq= 0.000000E+00 +/- 0.000000E+00
power law noise 2
amplitude= 0.000000E+00 +/- 0.000000E+00
exponent= 2.000000 +/- 0.000000E+00
A error in code cost me two weeks.
I lost two weeks.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Cannot get est_noise compiled in RH9
ifort: command line remark #10148: option '-ipo_obj' not supported
/opt/intel/mkl/ In function `__kmp_register_atfork':
: undefined reference to `pthread_atfork'
Where is the problem?
Build NetCDF using Intel ifort in Linux
Switch to bash, and set the environment variables as follows.
export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc
export CFLAGS='-O3 -xT -ip -no-prec-div -static'
export CXXFLAGS='-O3 -xT -ip -no-prec-div -static'
export F77=ifort
export FFLAGS='-O3 -xT -ip -no-prec-div -static'
export CPP='icc -E'
export CXXCPP='icpc -E'
Configure the source, and build the library.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/netcdfi
make check
make install
You must be root to install NetCDF to /usr/local directory.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Strange manpath problem
[tianyf@tyf ~]$ manpath
Saturday, November 15, 2008
enough is best
the BEST is the suitable one.
Enough is the BEST.
Friday, November 14, 2008
USB hardisk failure, many many data loss!
So, I should make it obligatory to make a copy of my most important files in the future.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Another gfortran problem.
Error: Nonnegative width required in format string at (1)
Must I specify the width each time? Why ifort, f77, and Sun Studio f90 support this kind of formatting?
How to detect NaN in F77?
Division by 0 (zero) at (^) (IEEE not yet supported)
I checked the GNU web site. It says GFortran supports isNaN() function. I think g77 does not support it.
In Solaris, I can write a function similar to isNaN(), because IEEE Not-a-number is supported.
The intel & imsl also has this FORTRAN intrinsic.
What should I do in Cygwin with g77?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Why find command behave differently in Linux and Solaris?
However, in Linux, find command prints the results randomly.
IDl 7 is too slow.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Agu web page bug?
<0.5 mm. The observed annual variations, however, disagree; this difference may be caused by some combination of local precipitation-induced site motion, unmodeled loading from other nearby sources, errors in the GSL model, and atmospheric errors." />
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 30, NO. 3, 1111, doi:10.1029/2002GL016579, 2003
Crustal loading near Great Salt Lake, Utah
P. Elósegui and J. L. Davis
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
J. X. Mitrovica
Department of Physics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada
R. A. Bennett
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
B. P. Wernicke
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California, USA
[1] Two sites of the BARGEN GPS network are located ~30 km south of Great Salt Lake (GSL). Lake-level records since mid-1996 indicate seasonal water elevation variations of ~0.3 m amplitude superimposed on a roughly “decadal” feature of amplitude ~0.6 m. Using an elastic Green's function and a simplified load geometry for GSL, we calculate that these variations translate into radial crustal loading signals of ±0.5 mm (seasonal) and ±1 mm (decadal). The horizontal loading signals are a factor of ~2 smaller. Despite the small size of the expected loading signals, we conclude that we can observe them using GPS time series for the coordinates of these two sites. The observed amplitudes of the variations agree with the predicted decadal variations to <0.5 mm. The observed annual variations, however, disagree; this difference may be caused by some combination of local precipitation-induced site motion, unmodeled loading from other nearby sources, errors in the GSL model, and atmospheric errors.
Received 7 November 2002; revised 4 December 2002; accepted 23 December 2002; published 5 February 2003.
Index Terms: 1208 Geodesy and Gravity: Crustal movements—intraplate (8110); 1243 Geodesy and Gravity: Space geodetic surveys; 1299 Geodesy and Gravity: General or miscellaneous; 8164 Tectonophysics: Evolution of the Earth: Stresses—crust and lithosphere.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wanted papers
Bevis, M., E. Kendrick, A. Cser, and R. Smalley (2004), Geodetic measurement of the local elastic response to the changing mass of water in Lago Laja, Chile, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 141, 71–78.
Dziewonski, A., and D. Anderson (1981), Preliminary reference Earth model, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 25, 297– 356.
Heki, K. (2001), Seasonal modulation of interseismic strain buildup in Northeastern Japan driven by snow loads, Science, 293, 89– 92.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
love number
Love Number | ![]() |
![]() | |||||
![]() | |||||
![]() | h is the ratio of the height of a body tide to the static marine tide (introduced by A. E. H. Love). k is ratio of additional potential produced by the redistribution of mass to the deforming potential (introduced by A. E. H. Love). l is the ratio of horizontal displacement of the crust to that of the equilibrium fluid tide (introduced by T. Shida). For a rigid body, |
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tell pgf77 to create object files with suffix .o in Cygwin
Then run pgf77.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
GPS-determination of along-strike variation in Cascadia margin kinematics: mplications for relative plate motion, subduction zone coupling, and perman
study, daily and seasonal irregularities in the global
reference frame were minimized using a regional stabilization
based on subtracting average common-mode
position variations at six sites (ALBH, CABL, DRAO,
GOBS, PABH, and QUIN, Plate 1). This technique
[Bock et al., 1997; Wdowinski et al., 1997] is particularly
useful in cases where the length of observations i s
short, and hence the relative effect of uncorrected seasonal
noise is potentially large.
Monday, September 08, 2008
One sentence in Williams et al., 2004
the horizontal components are less noisy for white and
flicker noise magnitudes than the vertical components by a
factor of 2–3. The east components, also as expected, are
somewhat noisier than the north components because of no
(SOPAC) or incomplete (JPL) integer-cycle phase ambiguity
resolution in the global solutions. The white noise amplitudes
are about 2 times larger in the JPL global solutions
compared to the SOPAC global solutions, in all three
components, while the flicker noise amplitudes are only
marginally larger. The white noise amplitude differences are
probably due to processing strategies (what these may be are
beyond the scope of this paper), while the comparable flicker
noise amplitudes may reflect a common physical basis, such
as seasonal atmospheric mass distributions [e.g
Sunday, September 07, 2008
The X-Window of Cygwin took up so much CPU.
Monday, September 01, 2008
bad mail system at icd
It's just rubbish.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Almost lost everything of my work today.
(... anxious & searching & downloading...)
(about one hour later)
Oh, my god! I finally rescued myself. NO. It is Easy Recovery saved me. I got back all the things I had just lose. Thanks god!
BTW. Easy Recovery is far better than Final Data 2.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Configure start-up launching programs for Windows.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Run WinXP as a guest in Solaris 10 x86.
However, when running VitualBox, it gave an error:
> VirtualBox
ld.so.1: VirtualBox: fatal: libGL.so: open failed: No such file or directory
The libGL.so was found in /usr/X11/lib/mesa/amd64/. Thus, add this to the library searching path will solve the problem:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/X11/lib/mesa/amd64/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
Now, I can running Windows XP SP2 in Solaris.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Why dvipdfm failed to create .pdf from .dvi in Solaris 10 x86?
In my solaris 10 x86 system, the first zcat found was /usr/bin/zcat.
compress, uncompress, zcat - compress, uncompress files or
display expanded files
compress [-fv] [-b bits] [file...]
compress [-cfv] [-b bits] [file]
uncompress [-cfv] [file...]
zcat [file...]
However, I think the dvipdfm program really wants GNU version of zcat. In Solaris, it is /usr/bin/gzcat.
gzip, gunzip, gzcat - compress or expand files
gzip [ -acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ] [-S suffix] [ name ... ]
gunzip [ -acfhlLnNrtvV ] [-S suffix] [ name ... ]
gzcat [ -fhLV ] [ name ... ]
Thus, link gzcat to zcat and preceeds the /usr/bin/zcat will solves the problem.
Winedit is boring. Uninstall it.
A: WinEdt的编辑窗口最下面的状态条中有一项wrap,将其点击为灰色
Q: WinEdt总是自动把几个单词缩到一行里面,如何解决?
A: 1. 关掉wrap功能
2. 在每行的首字前面加一个空格或一个"Tab"
小结:去的早 + 运气不错。
How to overwrite existing files when use wget?
How to setup Solaris 10 X86 as NTP server?
server asia.pool.ntp.org
server cn.pool.ntp.org
fudge cn.pool.ntp.org stratum 0
broadcast ttl 4
Then svcadm enable ntp
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
An alternative spectral analysis tool: FAMOUS.
What does SNR of the results mean?
Got est_noise running in virtual solaris box.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Still confused with est_noise output.
I learned the meaning of max.dat from the source code. But the model.dat does not give me much information. I should dip more into the code.
Searching for alternative browser for Solaris X86.
Can I input Chinese characters in English GUI?
Run English version Firefox in Chinese GUI.
> ps -ef | grep firefox
tianyf 16040 15961 0 08:17:58 pts/14 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/firefox
tianyf 16054 16040 0 08:17:58 pts/14 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/firefox/run-mozilla.sh /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin -UILocale
tianyf 16060 16054 1 08:17:58 pts/14 0:31 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin -UILocale zh-CN -contentLocale CN
What if we start only /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin ?
Ha.. It's English menu in Chinese GUI now. Good.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
est+ from est_noise
# sample script to run est_noise6ac
# test data is CARH north from Tom Herring's 'combined' SCIGN solutions
rm -f seed.dat
echo 82789427 > seed.dat # create a random number for doing hypothesis testing a la Langbein [2004] Figure 4
rm -f junk.in
cat > junk.in <otr # format style of inputting specifications (using julian day style; year, month and day could be input, too)
1 # Number of data sets (almost always 1)
1995 1 2005 1 # time span to be considered
y # rate # Estimate the secular rate; almost alway 'y' for yes
0 # num of rate change; If you think there are any rate changes in data, this should be the number of rate changes; if non-zero, then you'll need to supply the time of the rate change
1 # num of periods; I'm solving for a 1-year periodicity in the data; this is NOT a band-pass filter
365.25 # period in days
1 # Number of offsets in data
2003 357.0 # time of offset due to San Simeon EQ (M6+)
0 # number of exponential exp(-t/tau) or Log (1 + t/tau) or Log (tau + t ) terms for characterizing post-seismic responce. This seems to work okay; outputs searchs for optimal tau on file fort.89
otr # format style of input data
0 # Number of time-series of auxillary data --- This is useful for analyzing Dilatometer data -- this would be the presure time series
1 # mininum sampling in days (usually 1 day for CGPS)
n # This is usually n for 'no'. With 2-color EDM stuff, sometimes I'd have more than one measurement on a single day and I'd want to combine these data
n # n for 'no' unless you want to do simulations for hypothesis testing (Figures 2-4 in Langbein, 2004)
0 # decimation parmeter; choice of 0, 1, 2, or 3. Use 0 for 'best' results as it uses all of the available data; the other choices toss-out observations but are useful for 'quick and dirty' results-- more exploritory in nature
1 float #white noise Initial guess of white noise is 1 mm and you are asking the program to estimate the white noise amplitude
1 float #power law amplitude; initial guess of PL amplitude is 1 and you are asking the program to estimate a better amplitude
1 float # power law index; initial guess of PL index is 1 (flicker) and you are asking the program to estimate a better index
0 fix #Gauss Markov; fixing the GM time constant to 0; do not make any estimates
.5 2. # Pass-band limits of the band-pass filtered noise 0.5 cycles/year to 2 cycles/year
1 # Number of poles in the BP filter; (goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
0 fix # Amplitude of BP noise; in this example, it is set to 0 and not estimated
2 fix # power law index; Index for a second power law; it is set to 2 (random walk) and not updated in this example
0.0 fix # power law amplitude; amplitude for a second power law; it is set to 0 and not updated in this example
0 # Additional white noise to add to data (data.in); usually set to 0 but for cases such as strain or creep data where the power-law index is > 2.5, it becomes critical to add some white noise to the data in order to keep the data covariance from becoming singular.
time ~/proglib/Strain/Progs/est_noise6ac < junk.in
Xmanager took up so much CPU and network.
crontab cannot find the searching path.
No cpu_time() function in f77 of sun studio.
The est_noise program took about 1700+MB ram when running.
crontab -e problem for new user in solaris
It prints "0" and "?", then seems hanging there without ending. It turns out to be the problem of default editor setting. Set it to "vi" will solve this problem. Now, put the following lines input your .profile if you are using "sh".
export EDITOR
That's all. You can now use "crontal -e" to create scheduled tasks.
Large difference of speed between solaris and rhel-5 when running est_noise
Why so large difference in speed? Is the solaris not suitable for heavy load of numerical computations? Or the difference of RAM matters?
Source error for sh of solaris.
$ . .shrc
GPSMET_DC_HOME=/export/home/tianyf/gpsf/external/gpsmet_dc: 不是一标识符
$ which sh
$ uname -a
SunOS gpsdc 5.10 Generic_120012-14 i86pc i386 i86pc
$ more .shrc
GPSMET_DC_DATA=/data0/igs0/pub; export GPSMET_DC_DATA
export GPSMET_DC_HOME=/export/home/tianyf/gpsf/external/gpsmet_dc
Where is the problem? This script works well with bash.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
1 这种事情有什么好遮遮掩掩的?秉公办理不就行了。否则难逃存在腐败、失职之说。
2 把上万群众说成暴徒。老百姓没事干去政府那干啥?怎么能把责任推给“少数别有用心”、“黑社会”分子?
3 定调不对。说什么“稳定压倒一切”。我们要的是公平、正义。
切换输入法in xmanager
Use Chinese fonts in Xmanager.
1. Download /usr/openwin/lib/locale/zh.GBK/X11/fonts/75dpi/ to C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager Enterprise\Fonts. You'd better rename it to 75dpigbk because there is already a direcoty call 75dpi.
2. In Xconfig, configure the default profile to add the 75dpigkb to font searching paths.
3. Restart Xmanager to take effects.
How, at the login screen of solaris, select zh_GBK will work.
It's great. Isn't it?
I switched my internet connection from winxp nootbook to Solaris X86 workstation today, it's important to type Chinese characters in solaris sometimes.
Monday, June 30, 2008
bash.exe stays when quit XWin
Saturday, June 28, 2008
f77 program runs really fast.
There are totally 857703 lines and 4 columns data. The task is to sort the first column, find those unique values and do summations of each unique value of the first column. The output file turns out to have 343352 lines. It involves sorting, finding unique values, searching and summation operations. I cann't believe f77 program can finished it so fast.
Why f77 of Sun Studio 12 cannot find this syntax error?
psdsios.f: In program `psdsios':
integer*4 i,j,k,l,m,n
psdsios.f:119: (continued):
INTEGER*4 jmax,n,nout,np,nmax
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `n' at (2) [initially seen at (1)]
In file included from psdsios.f:81:
However, this program compiles well in Solaris using f77 of Sun Studio 12.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cygwin sshd problem
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
gcc version of iphone-dev@cygwin
Using built-in specs.
Target: arm-apple-darwin
Configured with: ../llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure --enable-llvm=/tmp/llvm-svn-42
498r/.build --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++ --target=arm-apple-darwin --en
able-sjlj-exceptions --with-as=/usr/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin-as --with-ld=/usr
/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin-ld --with-heavenly=/usr/local/arm-apple-darwin/files
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5449)(LLVM build 2.0-svn-iphone-de
Friday, June 13, 2008
winscp is a great tool.
Ipod touch, from 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 and jailbreak.
1. After downloaded the 1.1.4 firmware, open iTunes, press Shift and clike the restore button, select the file and restore the iTouch. Now, everything old are ruined. You will be happy if you did a little backup work before restore iTouch.
2. Download Ziphone 3.0 to jailbreak the iTouch. Close iTunes, kill ipod...exe, itune..help.exe processes with task manager of Windows Xp. Then run Ziphone 3 GUI. Click advanced selection options. Be sure to uncheck the activation and ... checkboxes if you are not using iPhone. Otherwise, the cracked system is unstable. Now, click "Jailbreak [include ipod]" and wait for about one minute.
3. The iTouch is now ready to install packages. Search for wireless network. You can login the iTouch by using ssh of Cygwin/WinXP. The password for root is "alpine". DO NOT change the password. Or, you will get continuous of crash of Summerboard and it looks like a piece of brick.
The left steps is adding some sources, install softwares for your application. But, there are still a lot to go. And the mixed-usage of mobile and root for default user will make you programs stopping working. Googling for more details.
Safari cannot display .f files correctly [lighttpd].
After look in the /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf file, I figure out that I should set ".f" file type as text/plain, just as the ".c" files.
Thus, insert a line below the ".c" file type:
".c" => "text/plain",
".f" => "text/plain",
It works!
top command cannot work
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 0a:05:6b:4b:c6:93:00:eb:1c:c6:76:f0:b6:7d:25:90.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Last login: Fri Jun 13 21:17:07 2008 from
# top
Error opening terminal: xterm.
ls cannot work in iTouch
root@'s password:
Last login: Fri Jun 13 15:03:27 2008 from
# ls
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
Referenced from: /bin/ls
Reason: image not found
zsh: trace trap ls
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How could this happen [IDL Map_Set and Oplot]?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Build gv on Solaris 10 X86.
1. Unpack the source.
gtar zxvf gv-3.5.8.tar.gz
This will create a directory ~/tmp/gv-3.5.8
2. Edit the ~/tmp/gv-3.5.8/config.unix
Modify the path for Xaw3d.
XAW3D_HEADERS = -I/usr/local/include
EXTRA_LDOPTIONS = -L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib
3. Following the INSTALL.Unix steps.
That's all.
Note, when not specify the -R option, gv cannot find the shared Xaw3d library.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
- 地震发生后道路破坏无法及时进入灾区实施救援,大批人员堵在外面干着急。
- 大量私家车涌入都江堰寻人,堵得水泄不通,交通瘫痪,使得救援车辆无法前进--甭管你是军车、武警、消防还是救护。
- PLA只有双手和铁锹,对于倒塌的混凝土、预制板等丝毫没有办法,只能等待专用救援设备。
- 而震后最初几天,很多地方都还没有人开始救援,部队没有到,灾后余生的也没有勇气再进到岌岌可危的断壁残垣救援,任凭埋在废墟中的生者逐渐消亡。
- 救灾物资堆满仓库,而灾民和战士却要忍饥挨饿。
- 到一个地方,只要有倒塌的,那多半是学校或医院。
- 救灾设备的吊装居然要花4小时,救援队到了,温总却火了。
- 总理到哪里,哪里必然清理一下,装模作样。
- 灾区趁火打劫的不在少数。
- 官员夸大5倍报损失。
- 。。。
从今后打麻将者一律不准说打512,更不能说打刮风下雨,也不能说血战到底! 还不准说推倒糊!!
上联:灾区人民无房可住在余震中等吃喝 下联:成都人民有房不住在吃喝中等余震 横批:都求恼火
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Is there a way to count the nubmer of files in many many directories conviently?
Answer awaiting...
The keyboard does not feel good now.
However, the keyboard doesn't feel good now. It makes much louder noise to me. Stupid HP nx6330 keyboard quality!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Very unstable internet in office.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Comparison between rate solution between CMONOC center and GAG@ICD.
bjsh -0.01481 -0.01258 0.02700 0.02820 -0.00240 -0.00267
dlha -0.00686 -0.00137 0.02811 0.03352 0.00091 -0.00069
dxin -0.00961 -0.00713 0.02714 0.02917 -0.00461 -0.00114
guan -0.01639 -0.01384 0.03028 0.03138 -0.00634 -0.00559
hrbn -0.00535 -0.01272 0.02512 0.02496 -0.02066 -0.00281
jixn -0.01425 -0.01139 0.02662 0.02756 -0.00327 -0.00076
kmin -0.01952 -0.02142 0.03409 0.03319 -0.00559 -0.00497
luzh -0.01453 -0.01234 0.03135 0.03323 -0.00058 -0.00100
qdao -0.00785 -0.01038 0.03269 0.03079 0.02293 0.00729
qion -0.01425 -0.01200 0.02882 0.03021 0.00060 -0.00076
suiy -0.01657 -0.01404 0.02224 0.02408 -0.00126 0.00049
tain -0.01252 -0.01426 0.03184 0.03078 -0.00387 -0.00315
tash *********** 0.02110 ********* 0.02471 2602.83188 -0.00236
wush 0.01127 0.01315 0.02781 0.02947 -0.00436 -0.00202
xiaa -0.00969 -0.00855 0.02793 0.02810 -0.00571 -0.00709
xiag -0.02227 -0.02021 0.02482 0.02690 -0.00098 -0.00106
xiam -0.01800 -0.01501 0.02967 0.03114 -0.00220 -0.00222
xnin -0.00719 -0.00588 0.02896 0.03621 0.00172 -0.00198
zhnz -0.01292 -0.01271 0.03158 0.02959 0.00438 -0.00501
Plot of XIAA positions time series.
Offsets in JPLM time series.
ASH701945.02B is missing from the latest igs05.atx file.
The gamit cannot get information for antanna (ASH701945.02B ) of XIAM site, and stopped proceeding. However, there are records in the old igs_05.atx files. Did they delete them?
Can I install two versions of IDL on the same Linux machine?
1. IDL V7.0 (Already installed);
2. IDL V6.4 (Not installed).
I wander whether there is a way to make those two versions of IDL co-exist in one Linux machine. For different user, I think there is no problem. But how to install those two for the same user?
[IGSMAIL-5757]: IGS Analysis Center Workshop 2008 - Call for abstracts for the Reanalysis Session
IGS Electronic Mail 10 Apr 23:08:52 PDT 2008 Message Number 5757
Author: Gerd Gendt
Dear colleagues,
we would like to remind you to submit contributions (posters) for the
session "Reanalysis Campaign" at the IGS Analysis Center Workshop, 2-6
June 2008, Miami Beach, Florida, USA (see
The deadline for the submissions is 1 May 2008.
You can find a session description below.
Please send authors and title of your contribution to the session chairs:
G. Gendt: gendt@gfz-potsdam.de
R. Ferland: rferland@nrcan.gc.ca
I. Romero: nacho@nachoromero.com
P. Steigenberger: steigenberger@bv.tum.de
and a copy to Jim Ray: jimr@ngs.noaa.gov
Best regards
Gerd Gendt
Session Description:
During the IGS history several TRFs were applied and the ACs have
implemented many changes for software and technology improvements; all
led to various inconsistencies in the IGS products. A major change was
the introduction of the absolute antenna models, which entered only with
some approximation into the recent IRTF2005. The IGS has to overcome
these inconsistencies in their time series with a reprocessing of its
historical data since 1994 using the latest models and the latest AC's
software implementations. The improved homogeneous products will allow
better geophysical interpretations and will result in a significantly
better contribution to the next realization of the ITRF. The reanalysis
will also include more stations to better address the requirements of
the user community.
The session will concentrate on all activities related to the IGS
reprocessing. Evaluations of the reprocessing test campaign, which shall
identify problems in an early stage, and first results from the IGS
reprocessing, available up to this IGS Workshop, are welcome. Also
welcome are experiences from any reprocessing activities outside the
IGS, which can give valuable feedback to the IGS reprocessing project.
* Gerd Gendt *
* _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ GeoForschungsZentrum *
* _/ _/ _/ Department Geodesy and Remote Sensing *
* _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ Telegrafenberg A17 *
* _/ _/ _/ _/ D-14473 Potsdam , GERMANY *
* _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ Phone : ++49 331 288 1114 *
* Fax :++49 331 288 1759 *
* E-Mail: gendt@gfz-potsdam.de *
* IGS GFZ AC : AFTP://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/pub/igsprod *
* http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/igs *
* IGS Analysis Coord.: AFTP://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/pub/igsacc *
* http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/igsacc *